Introduction on Extjs

This post will give you a basic idea about ExtJS.
Here is the Official website link for ExtJS 


what  is EXT JS?

Ext JS is the most powerful JavaScript based application development platform. It allows you to create data-intensive HTML 5 applications using JavaScript with cross-browser compatibility.

It  is a product of Snecha .


Ext JS framework allows us to build enterprise application with unified user experience using JavaScript without writing any HTML 5 or CSS code.

It also includes lot of built in themes and UI component which reduces your effort on writing HTML and CSS components to build any web applications

Features Of EXT JS

Supports object oriented programming which makes easy application development and maintenance.
Customizable UI widgets with collection of UI components like Grids,forms,charts,tree.
Ext JS supports Single Page Application development.
Ext JS includes MVC and MVVM architecture.

EXT JS Vs Angular JS

UI Components in Ext JS

Ext JS provides lot of UI components which reduces your effort on building any component using HTML.Below are the example

you can also create your own customized component using Ext JS.
Now lets see how to create a component.Here is the example .

 Ext.create('Ext.Component', {       
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),     //similar to document.body   
    html:'<b>Hello World!</b>'    

We already discussed that Ext JS uses MVC architecture .lets us discuss what is MVC .

MVC Architecture

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that divides the user interface of an application into three parts.Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that divides the user interface of an application into three parts.
  • Model -Describes the common format for the data being used in the application
  • View-Represents the data to the user . View can be in different formats (e.g. Charts ,Grids)
  • Controller-Central part of an MVC application. It is responsible for the events in the application and delegates the request between Model and View

Ext JS Class System

  • Ext JS has more than 300 classes.
  • Ext is a global singleton class and it has 78 methods and 59 properties
  • Ext.Base is root of all classes created with Ext.define. 

Some of the important methods

    Methods available in Ext class

  1. Ext.application()
  2. Ext.apply()
  3. Ext.create() 
  4. Ext.define() 
  5. Ext.getCmp() 
  6. Ext.override() 

Defining a class in Ext JS

Ext.define() is used for defining class in Ext JS.
Detects and creates new namespaces if required.
Extends an existing class.
Verifies if the class being extended has been defined, if not, it will defer the creation of the new class until the class used for extending is available.
Returns Ext.Base object.


Ext.define(class name, class members/properties, callback function);

Ext.define('Student', {                              // ‘Student’ is the class name 
name : ‘test',                                                             //Class member
getName : function(){                                               //Class function
return "Student name is" +;    
function(){                                                         //callback function
alert('Student object created');

Creating  a class object 

var student2 = Ext.create('Student', 'XYZ');

//calling member function

//Calling static  method 

Inheritance in Ext JS

Inheritance in Ext JS can be achieved by extend keyword.

Ext.define('Person', {    name : 'Unknown',     
constructor : function(name){        
if(name){    = name;        
}    },     
getName : function(){    
    alert("My name is " +;    

Ext.define('Student', {    
extend : 'Person',   
schoolName : 'Unknown',     
 constructor : function(name, schoolName){   
    this.schoolName = schoolName || 'Unknown';     
getSchoolName : function(){        
      alert("My school name is " + this.schoolName);    

Calling Super and Sub Class Method

 var newStudent = new Student('XYZ', 'ABC School');
     newStudent.getName(); //output: XYZ
     newStudent.getSchoolName(); //output: ABC School


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